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Radius Group launches ground control system for towers

Aug 10, 2023

By Niamh Marriott31 July 2023

UK-based lifting solutions provider Radius Group has announced a partnership with Skyline Cockpit and said it is now able to operate a tower crane using a teleoperated ground control system.

The company said the Skyline Cockpit system represents a seismic shift in crane operations, transforming traditional operator cabins into state-of-the-art computerised, ground control cockpits.

Through artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) software, as well as camera systems, Radius Group’s crane operators can manage and control tower cranes from the ground, which the company said will improve efficiency and safety on site. It can also offer financial savings.

Accidents and incidents are reduced as operators no longer need to climb up and down daily, the company added. By eliminating the need for operators to climb the crane, the system reduces downtime.

Operators can instead work from the comfort and safety of an on-site ground cabin and navigate the tower crane using a three screen interface.

The screens provide operators with an unobstructed view of the load line and the entire construction site. Radius said that offering a clear line of sight minimises the chances of collisions or accidents caused by limited visibility.

Operators also benefit from improved working positions, and the on-ground cabin is accessible for people with disabilities.

Automated data recording ensures that productivity is measured accurately and labour calculated efficiently.

Radius said that this reduces risks, eliminates the need for rescue teams and simplifies safety procedures.

Utilising advanced algorithms and machine learning, the system offers analytics that can predict potential risks, provide recommendations for optimal lifting techniques and optimise crane performance based on historical data.

The system provides real-time data on critical factors such as load weight, wind speed and direction, crane height and work speed.

Skyline Cockpit’s AI and AR systems can detect any tower crane discrepancies, enabling immediate preventive maintenance actions to minimise disruption to workflow. Switching cranes on a multi-crane site can take just 10-15 minutes.

Michael Fryer, managing director of Radius Group, said, “Radius Group has never been afraid to do things differently and by embracing cutting-edge technology and prioritising safety, efficiency and inclusivity, we continue to set new benchmarks and shape the future of the construction sector.

“We are very excited by the potential of Skyline Cockpit to truly revolutionise the construction industry and we are therefore extremely proud to be the first tower crane supplier in the UK to offer this pioneering innovation on live sites.”

Skyline Cockpit CEO and co-founder, Zachi Flatto, said, “Skyline Cockpit leverages the company’s long-standing experience and understanding of market needs, with the goal of bringing real change to the construction and cranes industries, in terms of productivity, efficiency and safety through technological innovation. We are proud and excited to have Radius Group lead the way with us to the forefront of crane operation and construction evolution.”